Union leadership plays a crucial role in advocating for members' rights, not just during negotiations but also through legislative action. At Local 28, we take this responsibility seriously by engaging with State, City, and Local elected officials throughout the year. We address the needs of our members to local politicians, focusing on:
Protecting the right to bargain collectively
Upholding strong labor standards in legislation
Promoting incentives for signing Project Labor Agreements (PLAs)
Ensuring and enforcing prevailing wage laws
Addressing other vital issues affecting our livelihoods
The mission of the Political Action Team of Local 28 (PAT28) is ongoing throughout the year. We conduct one-on-one meetings, attend public hearings, coordinate letter campaigns, and utilize various forms of communication. Given the large territory we cover, it takes a dedicated team to achieve our goals. We invite any member who would like to contribute their time and effort to reach out to our office and speak with our Political Director, Anthony Guerrero.
While we may have different opinions, our shared goal at Local 28 is to build relationships with those who will strengthen our union's objectives. Keeping our Union Strong will always be our priority.
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